Do you remember ROOM by Emma Donoghue? How could you forget that eloquent, strange, captivating novel? It was by far Emma Donoghue's greatest achievement. (And a prizewinner..)

FROG MUSIC, her newest, will be released April 1st. This novel focuses on an unsolved crime in the summer of 1876. Through the window of a railroad saloon, a woman is shot dead. A survivor risks everything to piece together this multi-faceted crime.

Told in thrilling cinematic style, it's as dark and gripping as ROOM. Aside from the "who-dunnit" factor, the book overflows with glimpses of an exciting and colorful period in history. Characters range from the rollicking to the damaged. (Unlike ROOM, there is some humor.)

Based on a true story, reviewers said.... "Readers won't forget this fast paced novel...a riviting murder mystery...endlessly inventive.."


Pre-order FROG MUSIC now on Amazon directly from this blog. Use the Amazon Search Box in the Sidebar. A percentage goes to charity.

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